Canada's NDP


August 13th, 2020

NDP’s bid for $2 billion investment in childcare and back to school funding gets all party support

EDMONTON– On Wednesday, Edmonton MP Heather McPherson’s motion calling on the federal government to provide an additional $2 billion in funding for affordable childcare programs and back to school safety measures was adopted on unanimous consent.

The motion comes as the House recognizes that re-opening businesses and the economy will require more support for parents and families. In addition to the $2 billion in new funding for accessible childcare, the motion, which received consent from all parties in the House, also commits the federal government to increasing transfers to provinces and territories to support a safe return to school and to ensuring that that the federal funds provided are dedicated to the health and safety of children across the country and not diverted for other needs.

“Albertans are facing a crisis in affordable childcare and this is impacting our economic recovery and the ability of women in particular to rejoin the workforce” McPherson said. “Ever since Jason Kenney and the UCP canceled the $25/day childcare program, families have seen their childcare costs increase. Now, as we work to get our economy back up and running, it is imperative that the federal government step up and ensure adequate support for children and families.”

It remains to be seen what the federal government will do to meet the back to school commitments in the motion, but the government’s consent should be good news for parents worried about the reopening of schools. The NDP is urging the government to consider national safety standards and protocols that ensure all children receive the same level of protection regardless of where in Canada they live.

“As a mother of two students in Edmonton Public Schools, I share the same concerns as other parents with Alberta’s school reopening plan,” McPherson said. “Jason Kenney’s government has failed to offer support to schools and teachers, and many parents, like me, are rightfully worried about our children’s safety. Now, we have a commitment that the federal government will step up to help.”

For more information, contact:
Office of Heather McPherson MP – 780-495-8404
After 4:00 PM MDT – 587-337-4350

Media Release August 13, 2020